Email Security

Free Security guide

Lack of email data protection

is the number one cause for breaches

Security, Risk, Fines, Audits

You’ve heard it all before

Free Security Guide

Free Email Security Guide

The top 5 email threats facing your practice

Don't get caught unprepared

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There are a number of ways email breaches can happen.  Protecting business email from inbound threats and outbound interception should be priority number one for your practice.

Healthcare data is 10 times more valuable than credit card data.

In 2016, the number of email breaches jumped by of 40%


Hackers targeted 83% of companies with email as their primary tool

There have been over 400 million new pieces of Malware created in the last 2 years

Security issues can and will affect your practice. Performing the required, annual Security Risk Assessment is a vital first step in understanding your compliance.

Security Risk Assessments are required for all covered entities and all business associates

Simply having an EHR system is not the same as having a risk assessment performed and will not qualify you for MU/MACRA/MIPS

Practices performing annual risk assessments greatly reduce the chances of experiencing an audit, fine or breach

Email Security Guide

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